Sunday 26 November 2006


I'm re-reading V because someone said that Against the Day is a prequel to it, but given Pynchon's penchant for re-using names and characters, like Pig Bodine, I won't be surprised if it's no such thing. I'd forgotten that V is the one with all the animals -- the alligators, rats, and rainbow-coloured monkeys. And the excellent Edwardian Victoria Wren. And the Whole Sick Crew.

I have renamed this blog in its honour, after the dwelling-place of Veronica, the first rat saint. I write with Lilian the rat trying to squeeze through my sleeves. She is not a candidate for sainthood; if she were I can't imagine keeping her as a pet. Animals, unlike people, aren't on any moral journey, and this is why they are so good for us. My rats' response to me is based entirely on my actions and their needs, and this is almost inexpressibly restful. Lilian has tired of me now and is trying to climb on my bookcase. In a moment I will offer her a Delicious Treat, and she will happily go home.

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