Wednesday 1 August 2007

Cria creche

My parents have more baby alpacas than they know what to do with. I think the current total is 10, with another 3 to come before the end of the summer. One of them has to have eye-drops, and another is being bottle-fed, which adds to the time they take. When you bottle-feed an alpaca you have to be careful not to fuss it at all, or make it too tame, or it will develop personality problems when it is older. You have to wander up to it with a bottle of warm milk as if by accident, and poke it in the direction of the mouth in a diffident, offhand manner, while taking care not to make eye contact. This is very hard to do because they are absolutely adorable, with their thick immensely soft curly coats and huge black eyelashes.

Here are some crias having fun:

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