I really want one of these steampunk keyboards:

Below are some pictures I took of Bologna. They're not very good because they were taken on my little camera phone, and the light hasn't been great, but they give some idea of bits of it.
Inside the courtyard of the building where I work. Eat your heart out, 9 West Road!
Here is the window of a grocer's. Nearby Parma is of course famous for its ham and parmigiano. If you look closely you will see carvings made of cheese!
Here is the Palazzo di Re Enzo, the illegitimate son of Frederick II, stupor mundi. Really it was his prison; he lived here for over twenty years before he died. In front is the fountain of Neptune. It has lots of ladies spurting water from their breasts.
Portici on my way to work:
The church outside where I live. I think it's seventeenth-century, but maybe it's sixteenth-.
Figaro the cat:

Also, I've found Rambaldi, living just below a room I looked at just outside the Porta Saffi:
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