Tuesday 14 June 2011

Brief news

1. I tasted all the beers at the Ashill Beer Festival except for those which had sold out by the time I got to them, fifteen out of the possible nineteen.  My favourite was Forge Brewery's Litehouse.  Now I am all beer-festivalled out.

2. I'm not in a position to get a dog but if I were I would ask for one from a litter of Labrador-Poodle crosses being born today in North Devon.  The breeder's blog has a link to a webcam.  She leaves the webcam up all through the puppies' youths and it's pretty addictive.

3. 3D printers now seem to be where laser printers were when I was a teenager, e.g. expensive for an individual but within reach of a small business or a serious hobbyist.  I really want one, but not for any good reason.  Just because it would be cool!  In the meantime there are services which will print things for you from your designs.

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