Wednesday 31 January 2007

Meeellions and meeeeeeellions!

Another idea for disposing of my hypothetical millions:
  • Cambridge departments can register their UTOs, and colleges their CTOs, for a scheme which I would set up, probably called something nauseating like Life Value Assessment. At first this would be a thing for parents (or primary carers). Said carer receives a Moleskine diary, one of the ones with a week on the left-hand side and a blank page on the right-hand. If on any day they are prevented by department or college business from doing childreny stuff they have to write this down in the diary; and on the right they can note down anything especially nice/interesting/uniquely revolting their children have said or done. To be fair they can also record any time their job is helpfully flexible, i.e. if they have to collect an unwell child from a child-minder. Twice a year this notebook is assessed by a member of the Life Value Assessment foundation, who gives a big chunk of money to the department or college if they like it. There are small bonuses for anyone whose book has been defaced by crayon drawings, had mashed food spilt on it, or been splashed with sick.
  • Eventually that scheme could be expanded so that non-child-carers could fill in every time their job saw them doing late-night stuff, unpaid overtime, unpaid teaching, etc.


  1. Oh wow -- I'd sign up for this! (The non-child version, and then the child version if I had a child). Can we make you Pro-Proctor for Work-Life Balance? Now we just have to hope that you won the lottery and make it a reality (got to buy a ticket first, of course......:))

  2. A brilliant idea. When the Revolution comes all will be well...
