Friday 19 January 2007

Paid labour

William Morris famously said that he didn't think much of anyone who couldn't compose an epic poem in his head while working a loom. People often say they don't have time to blog but I have been thinking out an entry while --- actually I'm not prepared to say what my job involves today in any sort of public forum. (Suffice to say that it takes about 10% of my brain and is dull and repetitive while at the same time it's very very important I get it right. It's the thing most likely to survive of my life in 100 years' time. And although I know it needs doing I still feel slightly queasy about it.)

Anyway, what we should all be doing is this: It's like blogging, only on paper! Forget the tyranny of the RAE: let's just put things out there in book form and not worry about print runs. I'm considering doing it with my PhD -- it would seem pleasingly subversive. Also I might make a booklet about my Granny, who died in September. We are having a family ash-scattering at some point and I want to give people copies of an interview I did with her many years back about her childhood in Argentina.

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