Tuesday 26 June 2007

Abjuro te!

I abjured the Church Times some while ago, but in a moment of weakness after lunch today I picked it up again. I had only got to page 5 before it annoyed me very much and I have now reabjured it. There was a story of how young mothers are less likely than older mothers to want their children to grow up with religious values. Apparently we should be upset about this. But who on earth wants their children to grow up with "religious values"? I'm not even sure what religious values are -- a proper respect for the household gods, maybe. Tony Blair has religious values. If I had children I would want them to have Christian faith, and I would want them to question things. I'd rather they were atheists than that they attended church through faithless piety.

I texted my mother this Christmas from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which was distressing me, and she texted back "Avoid religion where possible; it's the relationship that matters". This is because my mother is quite wise.

Anyway, I think I might have to give up on the idea of posting happy things, and reserve this blog as the place where I rant about things that annoy me. The web-related concept of trolling is a good one, I think, for describing the media as a whole, and there's sadly no reason why the Church Times wouldn't join in.

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